14 research outputs found

    Replicable Measures for Eastern Partnership cities

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    This document is aimed to present examples of the measures to local authorities that could be used for Sustainable Urban Demonstration projects (SUDeP) in the Eastern Partnership cities ( Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan). The measures are related to the concrete implementation of the actions in line with the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAPs) developed under the of Covenant of Mayors initiative. The measures are focused on achieving energy savings and improving energy efficiency in the sectors where local authorities have the control and influence. In addition, measures on renewable energy are considered along with measures on information systems to monitor and control energy consumption.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    How to avoid typical mistakes in Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs)

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    This document aims to collect the most common mistakes from Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) submitted by local authorities of Eastern Partnership and Central Asian cities and analysed so far by the JRC. The mistakes can refer to methodological issues as well as to the way the information is presented in the SEAP document and/or in the online SEAP submission templates. Furthermore, this document also provides recommendations on how to avoid these most common mistakes, describing relevant examples of good and bad practices. Focusing on these recommendations will increase the possibilities for a SEAP to be accepted by the JRC (without a need for revision by the signatory) Additionally, it will also help signatories to develop a good document, which will be well understood by different stakeholders (technical officers, citizens) and, at the same time, it will lead the way to the successful implementation of the SEAP.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    The Covenant of Mayors: Evaluation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans from Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries

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    Out of 5600 Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) submitted to the Covenant of Mayors, about 100 SEAPS come from local authorities in Eastern Partnerships and Central Asian countries (CoM East). This report presents the results of the in depth evaluation of 14 SEAPs from CoM East countries, aimed at identifying good practices, but also weaknesses and challenges. The analysis has generally revealed a good compliance with the key commitments, in terms of definition of the target by 2020, calculation of the emission inventory, and definition of actions in the key sectors of activity. Aspects related to governance (e.g. the adaptation of administrative structures, the mobilisation of civil society, or the SEAP monitoring process) and to the financing of actions are often described in general terms, without presenting tailor-made strategies. Good practices identified in the 14 SEAPs are presented in the report.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable

    How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Cities ─ Guidebook PART I – The SEAP process, step-by-step towards the – 20 % target by 2020

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    This Guidebook is tailored to the specific needs of the Eastern Partnership and central Asian countries, which are still recovering from economic reform. As such, various specific indicators were calculated for the 11 Newly Independent States and a Business as Usual scenario was developed projecting the growth of their economy, and the increase in CO2 emissions for 2020 as a result of a 'do nothing' stance in terms of policies and the environmental regulations scenario. The current guidebook provides detailed step-by-step recommendations for the entire process of elaborating a local energy and climate strategy, from initial political commitment to implementation. It is divided into 3 parts: Part I relates to the description of the overall SEAP process and covers the strategic issues; Part II gives guidance on how to elaborate the Baseline Emission Inventory; Part III is dedicated to the description of technical measures that can be implemented at local level by the local authority in the different sectors of activity; The guidebook provides a flexible but coherent set of principles and recommendations. The flexibility will allow local authorities to develop a SEAP in a way that suits their own circumstances, permitting those already engaged in energy and climate action to come on board of the Covenant of Mayors, while continuing to follow the approaches they have used before with as little adjustments as possible.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian cities

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    Since 2010 the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative has come to involve 11 Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries in the implementation of local sustainable energy policies. The specific situation which characterises these countries compels to adapt the methodology for the preparation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans which has been developed to address the European context and which has been widely described in the Guidebook "How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)". The present outline aims to complement the above mentioned Guidebook by presenting the main adaptations to the methodology as they are proposed for Eastern Partnership and Central Asian cities. It does this by presenting first an overview of the key principles these signatories should keep in mind when preparing a SEAP, and secondly by indicating the main critical aspects of the methodological adaptation. In this framework Eastern Partnership and Central Asian signatories are given the possibility to commit to an emission reduction target by 2020 based on their projections of emissions for this year following a Business-As-Usual scenario.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    The Covenant of Mayors in Figures and Performance Indicators: 6-Year Assessment

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    The main purpose of this scientific report is to provide an assessment of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) Initiative 6 years after it has been initiated by the European Commission. By implementing the CoM Initiative, the European Commission has given visibility to the role of local authorities and their relevant contribution to EU2020 Climate and Energy targets. This is the second assessment report in a series of CoM assessment reports published by JRC. As of mid-May 2014 5,296 local authorities signed the Covenant of Mayors (CoM), for a total of ca. 160 million inhabitants in the EU-28, and ca. 186 million inhabitants in the whole initiative. Based on the data collected from Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) submitted by CoM Signatories as of mid-May 2014, a statistical methodology has been developed to select a CoM data set for evaluating the real impact of the CoM initiative. The report provides main statistics of the data set in terms of GHG emission and estimated reductions, Final energy consumptions and estimated energy savings and clean energy production in the local authorities. Ultimately, the report aims to emphasize the feature of SEAPs as a flexible common platform for achieving EU Climate and Energy targets with a bottom-up approach.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    The Covenant of Mayors: In-depth Analysis of Sustainable Energy Action Plans

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    As part of the European Commission’s Covenant of Mayors Initiative, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has carried out an in-depth analysis of selected sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs). Based on a sample of 25 cities from different EU Member States, the study seeks to identify and extract the common and most important characteristics of how local authorities across Europe are developing and implementing this policy. The study examined the strategies used by different local authorities in their SEAPs, with specific analysis of methodology, policies, governance, external support and regional and national characteristics. This gives us a picture of the strengths and weaknesses of different cities in their attempts to reduce their total GHG emissions by 2020. The study focuses on two types of Covenant signatory: -cities already involved in climate, air quality, sustainability and energy plans who adapted their plans to the Covenant requirements -cities for which the Covenant was the point of departure for developing strategies to decrease their total emissions. Just as important are the conclusions drawn by the study, which cover areas such as: -best practices -circumstances favouring the adoption and implementation of local sustainable energy policies -small municipalities’ need for external support in developing their SEAP -the result of signatories joining forces to develop their SEAPs -the role of the covenant territorial coordinators (CTC)within the initiative.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    How to develop a sustainable energy action plan (SEAP) in the eastern partnership and central Asian cities. PART II Baseline emission inventory update of emission factors

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    This technical update is a necessary compendium of the Guidebook 'How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in the Easter Partnership and Central Asian Cities', focusing on the calculation of updated Emission Factor for electricity in partner countries. This report provides the tables with country-specific emission factors and calculation procedures for power and heat plants and completes the emission factor time series up to 2012. In this way the signatories of the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Cities can establish baseline emission inventories for recent years with updated emission factors.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat


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    The purpose of the present guidebook is to help the Covenant of Mayors signatories in Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) and five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) to reach the commitments they have taken by signing the Covenant, and in particular to prepare within the year following their official adhesion a Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) BEI is a prerequisite to SEAP elaboration, as it will provide knowledge of the nature of the entities emitting CO2 on the municipality's territory, and will thus help select the appropriate actions. Inventories conducted in later years will allow determining if the actions provide sufficient CO2 reductions and if further actions are necessary. The current guidebook provides detailed step-by-step recommendations for the entire process of elaborating a local energy and climate strategy, from initial political commitment to implementation. It is divided into 3 parts: • Part I relates to the description of the overall SEAP process and covers the strategic issues; • Part II gives guidance on how to elaborate the Baseline Emission Inventory; • Part III is dedicated to the description of technical measures that can be implemented at local level by the local authority in the different sectors of activity; The guidebook provides a flexible but coherent set of principles and recommendations. The flexibility will allow local authorities to develop a SEAP in a way that suits their own circumstances, permitting those already engaged in energy and climate action to come on board of the Covenant of Mayors, while continuing to follow the approaches they have used before with as little adjustments as possible. This document is intended to help beginner towns/cities/regions to initiate the process and guide them through it. It should also provide experienced local authorities with answers to specific questions they are faced with in the context of the Covenant of Mayors, and if possible, with some fresh and new ideas on how to proceed.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc